E-Drum Vs. Z-Drum

So, your kid wants to play drums, but you live in an overcrowded apartment building with paper walls and sensitive neighbors. You think maybe you'll buy a set of electonic drums. Or some thing called a Zendrum.

Zendrums can do worlds of things drums cannot, but as far as technique, it is in no way drums. If the player is playing in a high school band, or if he is taking drum lessons, you will want an electronic drumset to keep his studies on track.

If he is beyond the foundations of music through lessons, then perhaps a Zendrum. At that point, make sure he understands it is not just a gimmick, and a real instrument that takes just as much work as any other.

Obviously this site is to envcourage Zendrum use and growth, but if he is still taking lessons, the musical foundation he is building there needs to be strong to take advantage of the innovation of the Zendrum. His teachers would not be able to progress far in teaching sixteenth syncopated bass patterns if he simply replies with "Why dont I just dupe the bass to this pad?"

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